Monday, March 17, 2014

Turning Lemons into Lemonade (and 8 Other Uses)

Prep Day #1
I sin, I know I do, when I envy some of the ladies on the Trim Healthy Mama Facebook forum. I see them post pictures of all the wonderful snacks and drinks they prepare for the week on Sunday afternoons: their Prep Day.  I love organization, but my day seems to get away with me, and I rarely take time to prepare ahead of time. Also, our Sundays are full of worship and fellowship, so choosing Sunday to be my prep day is out of the question. So, while I had the girls work on their math for an hour, I prepped on Monday.

Well, my hour became more like three. I had bought 12+ lemons and 7 limes. Before I had a chance to turn them into wonderful concentrations for my Singing Canary and Strawberry Limeade Good Girl Moonshine (GGMS), 2 of the limes turned into rocks and one of the lemons grew a science project. Unfortunately, we are currently studying flying creatures for science, not molds, so the lemon was immediately sent to the trash can.

I peeled, and peeled, and peeled. I thought lemons must be the HARDEST of all the citrus fruits to peel…then I started on the limes. I put half of the lemons in my wonderful ninja’s largest pitcher and filled it half-way with water. Then I blended for 2 minutes or so, and poured the resulting sludge into several handy containers. Then I took my handy-dandy pulp strainer (a nylon kneehigh) and stretched the top across the top of my pitcher. I poured all the lemon juice, pulp, and seeds back in and then squeezed out ALL the juice. Serene and Pearl are right, it IS the fun part! I poured the strained juice into 1.5 cup freezer containers with lids and dumped the pulp into the trash.

Normally, most of my kitchen waste goes to our chickens, but my wise Chicken Chick informed me that citrus isn’t good for poultry. At least none of our hens died the last time I tossed them peels!

Then I repeated with the rest of the lemons, and again with the limes. The lime juice I poured over 4 frozen strawberries, to make it simpler when I want to make my GGMS. 
Leaning Tower of Lemon Concentrate

I was left with a PILE of peels! I couldn’t feed them to the chickens, so what was I going to do with them?? I hate to throw away something that could be useful. So I went to Google, typed in “How do I make lemon extract” and found this wonderful blog:

I was a bit overwhelmed: 31 more things for me to prep?!? I decided to just make a few. I use lemon extract, and want to make lemon essential oil, so those were my first two choices. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make those immediately, because I didn’t have enough olive oil or any vodka. I put them on my list, and will make them later this week. I DO have the prep work done, though, so great feelings of organizational happiness filled my soul. I put a couple handfuls of lemon and lime peels into a gallon plastic baggie and set it inside the fridge for later.
I turned the peels of a lemon or two into zest with my cute, little parmesan grater. Then I put the zest in a zipper snack baggie and set it inside my freezer.

Oooooo, I can clean the microwave!!! I took a bowl of water, added a handful of the smallest pieces of lemon peel, and put it in the microwave. I nuked it for 5 minutes. When I opened the microwave, I could see a fine condensation all over the interior. I wiped everything down, but it still didn’t smell fresh enough. I repeated the process with another bowl of water and peels. This time, the microwave glistened and smelled wonderful!

Lemon Cleaner
Ah! I love fresh scent of Lemon All-Purpose Cleaners, and now I am making my own. I took an old spaghetti sauce jar that still had its lid, filled it with lemon peels, and then poured white vinegar over them until the jar was full. I set the sealed jar in the windowsill and will shake this tincture several times every day for 2 weeks. Then, I can mix it in a spray bottle 50/50 with water, and voila! I have my own, homemade cleaner.

Now I was really getting excited about Prep Day #1. I went back to my computer to find something else to make. I still had about half of the lemon peels, and all of the lime peels to use. I wanted to freshen my refrigerator and trash can by putting a couple peels in each (under the garbage bag for the latter).

I remember my favorite grandparent, my Grandma Mary, setting a small pot of water on her wood stove and floating orange peels in it to make the house more humid and fresh-smelling. I promptly put a small saucepan on the back burner of my stove and floated some lemon and lime peels in water inside of it. This simmered all day, and the house lemons. Everywhere I went, I could smell lemons. Good thing I love that scent, and so does my family.

I put water and lemon peels inside the tea kettle that resides on the other back burner of our stove. I let this come to a boil, and then poured it out. The kettle gleamed in the early—er, late—morning light.

By this time, I’m realizing that the girls have finished their 30 minutes on Khan Academy as well as another 45 minutes of Life of Fred. OK, time for Home Ec! I invite my beautiful, attentive daughters into the kitchen, and show them what I have done so far. I figure they could help me use up the rest of the lemon and lime peels. They like everything I have done, and figure that it would be ok to throw the few remaining peels away. Don’t they understand frugality? Don’t they get the pleasure from having things prepared ahead of time? Nope, they don’t really care. Now, if I could make lemon bars from the last peels, then they would be more interested. Sigh.

Lemon-Lime Sugar Scrub
I returned to my computer one final time. A sugar scrub! Well, that is something wonderful to do with sugar now that I don’t want to eat it anymore. Since they don’t want to help me with my final prep project, this scrumptious skin smoother is going to be all mine! Hee hee hee. I took one of my empty Truvia containers, filled it about ¾ with sugar, and started finely chopping the last of my peels. I mixed them into the sugar, and set it on the shelf in the bathroom. Now, when I want to use it, I’ll just take a small bowl and some olive oil in and mix up my paste. Yay!

Prep Day #1 is done! Lunch anyone?
Strawberry Margarita GGMS
My Favorite Good Girl Moonshine – Strawberry Margarita GGMS
Put all the following into blender:
6 Frozen Strawberries
@ 1-2 Tbs Lime Juice
@ 1-2 tsp ACV
Dash powder ginger & cinnamon so each strawberry gets some
1 dash cayenne
6 tsp sweetener
3-5 dashes sea salt
@ 1 cup water
Blend – taste – tweak – Blend
Pour over ice in a 1 quart jar 

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